Help Stop Bullying in Pakistan

Love; Stop Bullying

The more the people are ware of bullying, the better. Because knowing what’s wrong and what’s right is better than not knowing and bearing it. A sense of right and wrong can make the whole difference; For the bully and for the bullied.

So play your part and help spread the word, Spread love 🙂




By-Stuart Green

If only adults would listen to the children and do something about it. It’s not embarrassing, it helps. So please step up against bullying and involve older people too, for everybody matters. And no-one wants to be hurt. Parents should always be there for moral support of their child.

#8 Learn To Forgive

Forgiveness is they key to helping you move on. Keeping grudges against the ones who bully you is bad. If they are showing what they are mad up of, you can be the better person by forgiving 🙂

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Just because someone is different, Doesn’t mean they should be left out. Love each other. Support each other.


Stop Bullying

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Sometimes it’s not just words. If bullying gets physical, it can cause more damage to the victim’s psyche.  Please report bullying and stand up for others. This needs to stop.


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